Big Room:
Console: Soundcraft SL Expression 3 (main and monitors from FOH)
Mains: 4x Meyer UPA-1C
Subs: 2x JBL 2×18, mixed from aux send
Monitors: 4x EAW MW-12
32×32 channel multitrack integration via Reaper
Shure microphones
Lighting: 12x par 38, simple dmx controller
12×15 11 ft ceiling clearance
No riser
Small Room:
Stage size 12x6ft, 1 foot tall, 10 foot ceiling clearance
Mackie DL1608
2x QSC K8 speakers
1x Yamaha 15” monitor
Star Coaches with no trailers may park behind building on South side. Shore power is available for two buses. Buses with trailers are to park on Madison Ave on North side of building close to load-in area on West end. No shore power will be available. All trucks are to park on Madison Ave on North side of building close to Willet on East end.
For big stage, please load in at 413 N Cleveland front door. For small stage, please load in